SwimCount™ Blog

Total count or SwimCount?

Total count or SwimCount?

Total count or SwimCount? Let’s be honest, what is quantity over quality? Take this easy SwimCount test at home and get to know how many good, motile and progressive swimmers...

Total count or SwimCount?

Total count or SwimCount? Let’s be honest, what is quantity over quality? Take this easy SwimCount test at home and get to know how many good, motile and progressive swimmers...

SwimCount mentioned in the Andrology Scientific Paper

SwimCount mentioned in the Andrology Scientific...

SwimCount Sperm Quality Test has recently been mentioned in the prestigious Andrology Scientific Paper under the headline of ‘Emerging technologies for home-based semen analysis’ You can find the article by clicking the link...

SwimCount mentioned in the Andrology Scientific...

SwimCount Sperm Quality Test has recently been mentioned in the prestigious Andrology Scientific Paper under the headline of ‘Emerging technologies for home-based semen analysis’ You can find the article by clicking the link...



 Now our SwimCount Condom stock is full again! Our SwimCount Condoms are specially developed for our SwimCount Sperm Quality Test to collect your semen sample as it does not contain...


 Now our SwimCount Condom stock is full again! Our SwimCount Condoms are specially developed for our SwimCount Sperm Quality Test to collect your semen sample as it does not contain...

SwimCount in the newspaper MetroXpress, Mens' Health

SwimCount in the newspaper MetroXpress, Mens' H...

Mens' Health Men's Health is a campaign aimed at men and they focus on everything from diet and health to erection problems and sperm quality. In this connection, there is a...

SwimCount in the newspaper MetroXpress, Mens' H...

Mens' Health Men's Health is a campaign aimed at men and they focus on everything from diet and health to erection problems and sperm quality. In this connection, there is a...